The First Hints of Spring
You’re getting a little sneak peak of the color we chose for the greenhouse. We are definitely in our green era.
February 28, 2025
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Now that Savannah is back in town & my leg is mostly healed, we’ve been getting busy around here. We’ve been working on the greenhouse as we are determined to get it completely finished. We are really bad about getting a project 80-90% complete and then moving on to the next. The greenhouse has been painted & the windows are put in. All the trim is painted & has been put on. Today we cleared out the building materials that we’ve been storing in the green house. Next we need to build the other raised garden bed to go on the other side, and we need to put wood chips on the ground. We also want to build a table for the middle where we can keep seedlings and supplies. On the outside the greenhouse looks finished but now we need to get the inside done. Not this Sunday but the next we will have a YouTube video up with the final reveal!
Our potager garden at our previous home.
We’re also eager to get our potager garden built in the front of the greenhouse. While growing food directly in the ground is certainly more economical, I greatly prefer growing in raised beds. Our soil is not great and we’ve been working on amending it and increasing the organic matter but that is a long process. It’s also quite a lot of labor, and keeping the weeds out has been an overwhelming task. But with raised beds you can control the soil and it’s so much easier to keep weeds under control. We will use the wood we had milled from our property to make the beds. The space where the raised beds will go is so ugly right now and it’s been ugly ever since we’ve lived here. We left such a beautiful garden at our old house, so we are eager to get the garden area more beautified.
In an effort to beautify our front porch, I planted some pansies, daffodils, and tulips in planters. Excuse the filthy front door! It needs to be cleaned badly and the porch could use a good pressure washing. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed flowers until I planted them. This is why spring is my favorite season because though winter is necessary and we all need the rest, I desperately miss the beauty and colors of flowers. I love them so much that I’ve even considered flower farming, but I remind myself that I don’t have to monetize every passion I have. Instead I’ll grow as many flowers as I can. I’m hoping this year will be our biggest flower year yet.
The tube/line in the middle of the x-ray below her spine is poop!
In other news, Hazel gave us quite the scare the other day. She started acting strange and had her tail tucked under. She was arching her back, and she was acting more lethargic than usual. She was also reluctant to jump on the couch, which is very unusual. She is 9 but has always run around like a puppy. Yesterday morning we woke up and she was the same so we decided we needed to take her to the vet. We were so afraid something was wrong with her back or spinal cord and the vet was worried about the same thing. Thankfully, after an expensive trip to the vet & several x-rays later, we learned the little girl is severely constipated. Bless her heart. Also her anal glands were very full and that was probably making her uncomfortable. While I wish we didn’t have to spend as much as we did to find this out, we were all relieved to know nothing serious was wrong with her. She had the best day ever though because she got to go to Petsmart and pick out a new toy, she got grilled chicken nuggets and half a pup cup.
As always thank you for reading! We will not have a video up on YouTube this Sunday as we are taking the weekend off to celebrate Savannah’s bday, but we will be back next Sunday!