It’s Cowboy Grill Time

March 11, 2025

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The weather today was absolutely glorious! You couldn’t pick better weather. Because it was so lovely outside, we spent most of the day there. We were originally going to be doing a big cooking day inside, but we decided to cook on our cowboy grill instead. We ate breakfast and dinner outside - we would’ve had lunch out there but we were busy grilling instead! We relaxed in our hammock chairs- I cannot express to you how much we love these. We had them at our old house and they are so comfortable. When the weather is nice, we start many a morning out in them and when we are working outside, we take many breaks in them.

We cooked 35 meatballs, 6 pounds of chicken, a pork roast, and sweet potatoes. The pork roast we did in our instant pot on the slow cooker setting to make pulled pork. We marinated the chicken in 2 different marinades- lemon garlic and harissa honey. We cooked the meatballs, chicken, and sweet potatoes on the grill. For dinner Savannah made a hamburger meatball pita, and I had a bowl with cuban black beans, sweet potatoes, and the harissa honey chicken. We love making a bunch of different proteins and then freezing them for later because it makes meals so much easier to throw together. We froze the meat into individual portions in our freezer cubes. The other day we cooked several cups of white rice and then froze that into individual portions. I love making bowls with rice, a meat, veggies, and a sauce. We were running low on pre-made foods so we’re getting stocked back up. We’ll cook a few more things tomorrow and then we will put it all in our next Youtube video!

Yesterday we made egg casserole with 30+ eggs because we are swimming in eggs. I know that’s a good problem to have with the egg prices the way they are. But we’ve got to do something with them because we certainly can’t let them go to waste. We’ve never been interested in selling eggs because you can never sell them for what they actually cost to produce. I also don’t like the liability of it. We’ve had horrible egg production for months so it’s a nice problem to have, and we want to figure out ways to preserve them for the future. That’s where egg casserole comes in. We had one for breakfast and it was delicious!

The only thing that put a damper on the day was this unpleasant business dealing we’ve been going through since January. There are a couple of other parties involved and the whole thing has been a disaster from the beginning. We should have backed out early on, and I should have listened to my instincts, but we stuck with it because it seemed like a good opportunity. Now, we so far in, we just want to finish it and be done. The problem is one of the parties has been a total nightmare. I tried to schedule a phone call with them last month and the person wouldn’t do it. Now, something else has happened and I’m insisting on a phone call with both parties- and that same person is doing everything she can to keep this call from happening. I am not exaggerating when I say that there have been 14 emails from yesterday to today about trying to schedule this phone call. It is still not scheduled and I’m having to repeat myself for the millionth time that we cannot move forward without a phone call. Let this be a lesson to us all that you should listen to your instincts, and some opportunities are worth losing.

We appreciate your reading and following along with our journey!
